Specialized Group of Organometallic Chemistry of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (GEQO /RSEQ)
If you are student, member of the GEQO-RSEQ, and would like to apply for a registration grant, please, take note of the following:
A total of 25 grants, each with a value of 175 euros, will be granted to eligible student members of the GEQO-RSEQ who present their research findings at the congress. The application window will remain open from April 15th to May 15th.
The link to submit an application: https://geqo.rseq.org/convocatoria-ayuda/ayudas-para-inscripcion-en-la-xxv-eucomc-alcala-2023/.
Madrid Section of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (STMad-RSEQ)
If you are student, member of the STMad-RSEQ, and would like to apply for a registration grant, please, take note of the following:
A total of 2 grants, each with a value of 175 euros, will be granted to eligible student members of the STMad-RSEQ who present their research findings at the congress. The application window will remain open from April 15th to May 15th.
Link to the STMad-RSEQ application: https://stmad.rseq.org/convocatoria-ayuda/10544/.