Angela Casini

Prof. Angela Casini
Technical University of Munich.


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Christophe Copéret
Prof. Christophe Copéret
ETH Zurich.


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Polly L. Arnold
Prof. Polly L. Arnold
University of California.
Berkeley. USA


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Manfred Bochmann
Prof. Manfred Bochmann
University of East Anglia.
United Kingdom


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Prof. Alois Fürster

Prof. Alois Fürstner
Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung.


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Pedro J. Pérez

Prof. Pedro J. Pérez
University of Huelva.


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Prof. Sjoerd Harder

Prof. Sjoerd Harder
Friederich-Alexandern Universitat.
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany


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BRUKER Mahou San Miguel Antares Fisher Scientific


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