COOPETIC is is an «activity and entrepreneur» cooperative which helps free lancers to develop their activity with the support of the cooperative.

Coopetic is specialized in the fields of media, communication, audiovisual and web. It coordinates a network of entrepreneurs who develop their own activities in synergy with the other cooperators. Coopetic has developed a high expertise in the domain and can build collaboration for communication, audiovisual or web projects. It has developed an expertise in the field of conception and implementation of e-learning solutions and seminars in adult formation about digital communica

It is an original entrepreneurial framework allowing new business forms and ways of working together. It supplies the entrepreneur with administrative and accounting tools, which allow him/her to develop his/her business without having to deal with the administrative, accounting and legal aspects of his/her activities. An entrepreneur can develop his/her own activity and when his/her annual turnover allows it, he/she can be paid as an employee of the cooperative (having all the legal securities linked with the status of employee). The cooperative offers also the possibility to build «ad-hoc» teams in order to answer calls for tender that entrepreneurs could not alone apply to.

Coopetic is based in Paris but connects entrepreneurs all over the French territory. 

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University of Alcalá European University Foundation Cooperative College University of Ioanina Cooperatives Europe Cooepetic University of Ku Leuven