On Sunday a cocktail will be served after the opening session in the Philosophers' Courtyard of the Rectorate of the University of Alcalá (Colegio San Ildefondo) 

Foto coctel Universidad de Alcalá

* On Tuesday after the lunch a complementary visit to the historic university buildings and the centre of the old city of Alcalá de Henares is planned.   Colegio Mayor San Ildefonso Universidad de Alcalá
* Finally, on Tuesday evening the Symposium dinner will take place in the Parador de Alcalá de Henares, which is located in the city center. Please, select in registration section in the web page your menu choice. Parador de Alcalá de Henares

We look forward to seeing you at the BES2024! This great conference will be a great forum to present your latest results and to have fruitful discussions with your colleagues and friends in the beautiful town of Alcalá de Henares.  

Organised by:

The Bioelectrochemical Society Universidad de Alcalá
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Sponsored by:



Metrohm Dropsens

CGTbA-RSEQ Real Sociedad Española de Química Grupo Especializado de Electroquímica Elsevier Bioeletrochemistry Journal