All participants are invited to send one abstract with the results of their research work for its presentation during the celebration of the XXVIII International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (BES 2024).

Abstracts submission

When you send your abstracts, you must meet the following conditions:

   √   Abstract submission is only allowed through the WEBSITE.
   √   Abstracts format must be sent in a WORD file (.doc or docx). The abstract template you can find here (template DOCX).
   √   Please choose the sub-symposium to submit your abstract.
   √   The last day for presenting your abstract is December 12nd. Deadline for abstracts submission has been extended: January 14th
   √   When the Technical Secretariat receives an online abstract submission, you'll receive an email confirming that we have received your abstract. If you don't receive it, please contact the Technical Secretariat.
   √   The Evaluation of the Scientific Committee will notify the authors before February 15th   
   √   At least one of the authors of each abstract must be registered for the conference. Each attendance is only allowed to present one abstract. The abstracts without author registration will not be presented at the conference neither included in the book of abstracts.
   √   By sending your abstract you are accepting these rules.

Abstracts election

   √   The Scientific Committee will evaluate all abstracts. The selection criteria will include the scientific quality and relevance of the topic in relation to the subjects of the meeting.
   √   The Scientific Committee will decide on the presentation form of the abstract. Unfortunately, the length of the Congress sessions will not allow everyone to make an oral presentation.
   √   The Scientific Committee may shift the submitted abstract to a more appropriate sub-symposium topic.
   √   Before February 15th, the Technical Secretariat will notify the author of the decision of the Committee.

Book of abstracts

   √   Approved communications will be published in the Abstracts book of BES 2024.
   √   The submission of an abstract means the acceptance to be published in the book.
   √   The book will be available on the web in PDF format at the beginning of the event.

Oral abstracts presentation

Oral abstracts   √   Presentations will be 15 minutes, including discussion.
   √   You will be able to use the meeting room laptop.



Poster abstracts presentation

 Poster  √   The maximum poster size shall not exceed 90 cm (width). x 120 cm (height).
   √   Each of the poster sessions will last 2 hours. During this time, authors should be at their poster to make presentations and answer questions from participants.

Organised by:

The Bioelectrochemical Society Universidad de Alcalá
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Sponsored by:



Metrohm Dropsens

CGTbA-RSEQ Real Sociedad Española de Química Grupo Especializado de Electroquímica Elsevier Bioeletrochemistry Journal