The climate in this city of central Spain is the continentalised Mediterranean, with cold, dry winters and hot, dry summers. The average year-round temperature is 14 °C (57 °F). The average year-round rainfall is about 420 mm (16.5 in), mainly in spring and autumn. Temperatures vary from some degrees below 0 °C (32 °F) in December and January to some over 40 °C (104 °F) in July and August. Dry season coincides with maximum heat in summer.

Tabular view for temperature, days of rain and daylight hours per month

Months Temperature Rain days Daylight hours
Normal Warmest Coldest
January 5 °C 11 °C 1 °C 4.8 d 9.7 h
February 6 °C 13 °C 1 °C 3.9 d 10.7 h
March 10 °C 16 °C 4 °C 4.3 d 12.0 h
April 12 °C 18 °C 6 °C 5.9 d 13. h
May 16 °C 22 °C 9 °C 6.4 d 14.5 h
June 22 °C 29 °C 14 °C 4.0 d 15.0 h
July 25 °C 33 °C 17 °C 1.8 d 14.7 h
August 25 °C 32 °C 16 °C 2.1 d 13.7 h
September 20 °C 27 °C 13 °C 3.4 d 12.4 h
October 14 °C 20 °C 9 °C 6.1 d 11.1 h
November 9 °C 14 °C 4 °C 5.8 d 9.9 h
December 6 °C 11 °C 2 °C 5,0 d 9,3 h

During May, the temperature is around 22º C. 

Organised by:

The Bioelectrochemical Society Universidad de Alcalá
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



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CGTbA-RSEQ Real Sociedad Española de Química Grupo Especializado de Electroquímica Elsevier Bioeletrochemistry Journal