Details for billing
If your billing details are different from your personal details, please fill in the following fields. Otherwise, please click here in order to copy and paste them:
Single room: 102.30 €Double room: 119.90 €Breakfast and taxes included
Please indicate any special needs you may have concerning your attendance and participation at the meeting (disabilities, etc.), and any indications regarding the meeting lunches and dinners if you will be attending (vegetarian, celiac, allergies, etc).
Campo de control (no rellenar)
Bank transfer payable to:
Visa/Mastercard Credit Card
Responsable: FUNDACIÓN GENERAL DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALÁ. Imagen St., 1-3 (28801 Alcalá de Henares). Purposes: Management and organization of the activity, also the pictures and information data base about future events with the same thematic that may be of interest for you. Data: Identification data, contact data, financial data and health data (allergies) and disabilities. During the celebration of the event, pictures will be taken and videos will be recorded with the purpose of public dissemination, for video playback or real time broadcast and for its conservation in the pictures data base of the Fundación. Legality: Acceptance and legitimate interest. Communications: Your information will be only communicated to the organization of future editions to the same events and to the people in charge of the treatment of the activity, for the stated purpose, and in the cases provided by law. Rights: To access, rectify and delete your data, also to unsubscribe or object to the processing of the data, restrict it and other rights that you can check in our Privacy Politic. To exercise your rights, you can contact our data base officer: dpd@fgua.esComplete information about our privacy politic:
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