Accommodation in Alcalá de Henares


Single room/night


    √    Parador of Alcalá de Henares ****

123.00 € 160.00 €

    √    PCM Forum Alcalá Hotel ****

from 87 € from 100 €

    √    AC Alcalá de Henares Hotel ****

from 90.20 € from 101.20 €

    √    El Bedel Hotel ***

from 75.00 € from 82.00 €

    √    Evenia Alcalá Boutique Hotel ***

from 67.00 € from 74.00 €

    √    Cisneros Hotel ***

from 60.00 €

from 65.00 €

    √    Miguel de Cervantes Hostel **

from 74.00 €  

    √    San Ildefonso Residence

from 35.00 € from 45.00 €

    √    Lope de Vega Residence

from 50.00 € from 70.00 €

* Prices per room and night, tax (VAT 10%) and breakfast included

  The prices of accommodattion in this list may change depending on the availability of the hotels at any given time.

Project Coordination:

Universidad de Valladolid


Universidad de Alcalá   Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas    Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria
Linaneus University   Unitus University     Universidad de Extremadura
Universidad de Córdoba   Universidad de Lisboa   Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha


The meeting is included in the activities of the project TED2021-130790B-C32, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR
Gobierno de España