Abstract submission information

1.- For oral presentations

We invite you to present your abstract in the XXIV Virtual Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (EuCOMC XXIV Virtual Conference). We are really thankful for your interest.

If you are interesting in submiting an abstract please, read the following instructions carefully before sending your abstract.

  • Submit your abstract as a WORD file (doc or docx) by using this abstract form 2021.
  • Deadline for submitting abstracts is June 21st 2021.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Deadline for Abstract submission has been extended. New deadline: June 28th. Do not miss this opportunity to share your chemistry with the Organometallic Chemistry community across Europe.

  • Acceptance decisions will be made no later than July 15th, 2021.
  • All presenting authors (oral or poster presentations) must register for the conference before July 30th, 2021 Failure to do so will impede the inclusion in the programme.
  • Abstracts submission is only possible online via this web. But now this process is closed.
  • Only one abstract will be allowed per application form.


2.- For poster presentations

The instructions for the elaboration and presentation of the posters have been published. Please check them here.

For a communication to be accepted, the autor must have previosly registered in the event.

Abstract selection

All abstracts will be rewieved by members of the Organizing Committee. Primary selection criteria includes scientific quality, topical significance and relevance to the Meeting and session topics.

Organized by:


EuChemS Universidad de Alcalá


Sponsored by:

Real Sociedad Española de Química Grupo Especializado de Química Organometálica Real Sociedad Española de Química - Sección Territorial de Madrid IQAR


BIOTAGE Lilly EurJIC Chemistry Europe


Other collaborators:

BRUKER Mahou San Miguel Antares Fisher Scientific


IUCr Jornals Grupo Especializado de Cristalografia y Crecimiento Cristalino Dalton Transactions


Net Interlab Scharlab Grupo Especializado de Energía y Sostenibilidad